Domain Name Registration

A Website Domain Name is your online address through which your audience will track you. Purchasing and owning an appropriate Domain name which is unique to your brand is the stepping stone towards possessing a website.
Moreover we're lucky enough to be at the dawn of a domain boom which is moving beyond conventional .com and other 3 letter names towards quirky and unique new extensions including .accountant .shop .cafe, among many others.

Domain RegistrationSuitable & Unique Domain Options

We offer various Website Domain names in par with latest trends, useful add-ons & personalised email accounts which will offer your brand a legitimate and unique identity.

Sunrise Domains

Prior to the launch of new top-level domains, a special period known as a Sunrise Period is offered to trademark holders to pre-register domain names similar to their trademarks. This helps avoid domain squatting while enabling brands to procure these domains on a first hand basis. This sunrise period if followed by the landrush period wherein the purchasing is finalised.

Premium Domains

Domains that have already been registered by someone else but are now being resold at a premium rate are called Premium Domains. These domain names are typically short and catchy and are sure to provide you with better branding. They also offer you great SEO potential and generate increased website traffic.

IDN Domain Registration

We help you procure Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) which are names represented in local language characters including Urdu, Devanagari, Tamil, Gujarati, etc. This is ideal for brands attempting to relate to a local audience. The INRegistry is responsible for registering IDN in Indian Languages.

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